

【青超】红狮客场挑战明杰后盾网 ,0:0握手言和-青岛红狮足球俱乐部

7月15日16:30,在青岛市城市超级联赛第四轮的比赛中群丑图 ,青岛弗驰瑞特红狮在海洋大学鱼山校区客场挑战明杰队硅酮霜 。
16:30水瓶座流星雨,on the 15th of July《卧春》 , the 4th round of Qingdao city leagueghd直发器,Qingdao Fortschritt Red Lions challenged MINGJIE at the ocean university.
Both sides already knew each other.

8号史建军的直接任意球险些打破僵局。下半场红狮打的更主动,逐渐控制了比赛鞠婧炜 。19号冯涛中场一记精准的过顶长传直接找到前场的26号仲华,形成单刀,仲华被对方出击的守门员撞到在地,而裁判员却只是出示了黄牌决战华岩寺 ,令人十分不解滴血战刀。之后女人魂,双方互有攻守,都没有转化为进球死亡笔记电影下载 。最终双方0:0握手言和粉墨宝贝 。杰里韦斯特
The freekick of NO.8 Shi Jianjun almost broke the ice. Red Linos played better at the second half and controlled the game gradually. NO.19 Feng Tao gave an accurate long pass to NO.26 Zhong Hua,1 vs 1. Zhong was fouled by the opponent goalkeeper. But the referee just showed him a yellow card第39号案件 , which was very shocking. Finally港媳嫁到 , the score was 0:0.
下一轮7月22日,红狮将回到自己的主场对阵康太源,欢迎大家继续关注红狮的比赛伊天照 。
Next round, Red Lions will stay at home and play against KANGTAIYUAN. Welcome to the game!